Rocks and Stones

Rocks and Stones

Rocks and stones are fabulously functional architectural elements of your landscape design. While they certainly have an aesthetic quality of their own, rocks and stones prove to be the perfect durable material for hardscape features such as pathways and walls of your landscape design. Rocks and stones are very practical in designing for drought prone landscapes. Rock gardens and gravel conserve water as they accent dry climate landscapes. Flag stones are used for rocks and patios and accent various landscape furniture with their fascinating shades of color. Stone is also wonderful as a landscape accessory, particularly the beautifully versatile granite. Boulders fit nicely with water landscaping features such as waterfalls and are also ideal for lending height to gateways. Retaining walls of stone are useful for raised flower beds and for defining landscape boundaries...not to mention the fact that they recollect the old world charm of Ireland and France.