Do-It-Yourself Overview
Before you embark on a landscape design on your own, be sure you have gone over the fundamental elements of good design and lawn/garden care. When you do it yourself, take enough time to plan which options are available and which styles of landscape design are fit for you-garden stores can help with flower choice and educate you are hardy shrubs and trees for your zone. Really consider which structures besides greenery you would like to include in your landscape.
Combining elements of hardscape and sofscape requires careful consideration of the five elements of design: color, form, line, scale and texture. Color of plants and blooms, for example, should complement the shades of the bricks or slate you choose for patio or pathway slabs. Color choice greatly affects the mood of your landscape, so deliberate for a while on the temper of your garden. When mulling over the form of plants, think about whether their shape will creep over boundaries and which heights you would like to achieve. The line of your landscape should carry a voyeur's eye around in either a direct or circumlocutory manner. Finally, scale is often overlooked by do-it-yourselfers-plants should make sense in relation to each other, and don't neglect to consider how the scale will work out when plants have grown considerably. If you account for all of these design elements, do-it-yourself landscaping can be quite a rewarding experience!